About us
Physiotherapists can help with a wide range of conditions including injury recovery and prevention for all parts of the body. We may also be able to provide advice and support to those with disabilities related to illness, age or those you were born with. We are experts in assessing the person as a whole, and are able to provide education and advice, and tailored recovery and maintenance programmes, often in the form of exercise, in order to help you maximise your quality of life.
Physiotherapists tend to specialise in providing support to different types of health condition. For example, problems with the bones, joints and soft tissues, problems affecting the brain and nervous system (eg. strokes or brain injury), or conditions affecting the heart and lungs. The majority of the resources on this website are focussed on helping you manage problems with your joints and soft tissues, but your GP or practice physiotherapist may be able to help you access other specialisms of physiotherapy including neurorehabilitation (for problems with the brain and nervous system) or rehabilitation programmes designed to support your recovery and health after illnesses involving your heart or breathing.