If you struggle to control your bladder or bowels, you are not alone; The NHS estimates that between 3 and 6 million people in the UK have some degree of urinary incontinence and 1.4% of the population suffer from major faecal incontinence.  This section provides some resources that may support you to self-manage and improve your continence, and where to access further specialist support should you require it.  However, it is important if you experience a sudden deterioration in your bladder or bowel control, especially if you are feeling unwell or are experiencing back or leg pain and/or numbness or pain around your genitals or back passage, that you seek urgent medical assessment.

Pelvic floor exercises are often given as first line of intervention when managing incontinence. These muscle weaken as part of the normal aging process and it is often beneficial to practice these exercises daily regardless as to whether you are suffering from incontinence or not. The information on the website below is a good starting point.

Pelvic floor exercise: Advice from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

Pelvic organ prolapse is detectable in about 50% of all women. The Charted Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) has helped fund the first even UK guidelines for best practice. The information on the website below will help you understand what a prolapse is and what you might be able to do to improve the symptoms you are experiencing with links to the UK clinical guidelines:

Facts on pelvic organ prolapse

The pelvic obstetric & Gynaecological physiotherapy (POGP) provide an excellent downloadable resource for pelvic organ prolapse

Bowel problems can occur at any age and the type of problem you have may influence the treatment you are offered. This leaflet outlines some conservative (non-surgical) treatments you may be offered and some changes you may be able to make yourself to help your symptoms.

Incontinence can happen at any age, and many people have a problem at some time in their lives. Most people with incontinence can be helped by physiotherapy. A specialist continence physiotherapist will help you to understand and manage your problem. More information about incontinence and how to manage it can be found on the CSP website.

The pelvic obstetric & Gynaecological physiotherapy (POGP) provide an excellent downloadable resource for promoting continence

How to access Lincolnshire Bladder and Bowel Team. 

Referral for pelvic obstetrics and gynaecology physiotherapy is available at United Lincolnshire Teaching Hospitals on referral from your GP practice or health professional, see our safe exercises during pregnancy tab for other useful information.