Aches and pains, especially in the lower back and pelvic area are very common during and after pregnancy, but this does not mean that they cannot be improved with supported self-management. The resources below provide a number of useful links to ways to keep your body healthy during pregnancy and when you become a new mother.
However, it is important for you and your baby that you always feel confident that any symptoms you experience during this period are “normal”; you must access your GP practice team for advice if you are unsure; depending on your concern, your midwife, GP or local physiotherapist will be able to provide specialist advice and support to ensure your experience is as worry-free and as supported as possible.
The links below contain a wealth of information regarding pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy:
- National Childbirth Trust (The NCT have a wealth of information on their website)
- Advice and information (Guidance from The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists)
- Physiotherapy advice on pelvic girdle pain and other common conditions in pregnancy (Information from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy)
The links below all give free pre and post-natal exercise advice, Follow on the links below to be redirected to the associated webpage:
- Pre- and post-natal yoga: ( free online exercise videos).
- National Childbirth Trust provide advice and information about exercise during pregnancy.
- Aquanatal (pre- and post-natal) exercise advice (Advice on aqua classes from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists).
- Exercise and advice after pregnancy (Advice from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy).
- Fit for birth, exercises and advice for preparing for labour.
- Fit for pregnancy, exercises and advice for remaining fit and healthy during pregnancy
- Pilates in Women's Health
United Lincolnshire Teaching Hospitals provide Pelvic Health Physiotherapy to Lincolnshire. For more information about the service please visit their website.
You can be referred to Pelvic Health Physiotherapy at ULTH via your GP or midwife.